Saturday, January 22, 2011

Our first try!

Well, after reading my children's blogs for about a year now, I've finally decided to try it. Lon and I decided that this is one way to "journal," complete with pictures. It's worked for my kids, so why not us, right? Not so right. They are SOOO much more savvy with a computer & blogsite. Well, here goes, all the same...

We had a wonderful holiday season, with all of our kids and grandkids together at Tami's for Thanksgiving. Our children love to be together, and we so enjoyed just being with them. Michael's baby even decided to be born a month early so HE could join us for that celebration. We really missed Tami's family and Chris and Lisa for Christmas, but we were able to have Michael and Anita with baby "Darwin" for a couple of days, Landon and Britney for about a week, and Angie for the entire Christmas break. We had a great time! Lon's band was very excited to perform for Tri-City's "First Night" New Year's Eve celebration. We got home just in time to "toast" the New Year with our sparkling cider.

The only "down" of the season was when I discovered I had shingles the week after Thanksgiving, and the itching/stinging is still going on. But I was extremely blessed by having it come AFTER Thanksgiving and BEFORE the kids came for Christmas, and my eye, which could easily have lost its sight, seems to be okay.

Lon is almost ready to take the Bar again at the end of February, but he won't hear the results until May. Wish him luck!